Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm a little teacup

Each day I begin my life with a song. It never changes and it never will, it is always the same song.

For some reason, throughout the eternity which my life seems to be, this one song has tickled my fancy more than anything else. And we all know how much my fancy has been tickled, so that is a lot!

I'm a little teacup.
So simple, yet so beautiful and full of meaning at the same time.

Lets break it down line by line.

I'm a little teacup short and stout

Simple, explanative, good use of vowels, consonants and punctuation. It is what it is, how could you ask for anything more?

Here is my handle here is my spout

Such confidence! All of us should learn to take pride in our features like this teacup has. Imagine walking up to someone and saying "here is my hand, here is my foot!"
The teacup shows us the way.
Let everyone know that you know the names of your body parts, and let them know Now!!!

When I get all steamed up hear me shout

Hear that assertiveness. Don't fuck with this teacup, it knows who's boss and it wont take any of your shit. Might as well have said "You talking to me?"
Robert De Niro aint got nothing on this teacup.

Tip me over and pour me out

Here's where it all comes together. The grammar and control of the language, the simple explanation, no long winded stuff here. The confidence, even the arrogance!

And what makes it truly brilliant, the functionality.
This teacup, brimming with english language, explanation, assertiveness and even tea, ready to be poured out, in fact Demanding to be poured out.

Which is the exact thing it is meant to do.

Everything in life should be so perfect.

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