Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Overdoing It On The Condiments

from "Simon's Sorrows"

I began my lunch hour today like every other lunch hour...waiting in line at some fast food restaurant trying to decide whether or not I wanted micro-waved chicken or fish, perhaps even a burger that has been dropped on the floor. For some people these types of thoughts might be bothersome, but for me, not so much.

I will gladly gulp down micro-waved poultry and bacteria infested beef and I'll do it with a smile (which is free).

But the one thing I am getting sick of is everyone overdoing it with the condiments.
I can't begin to tell you how much it disturbs me to watch people squeeze the life out of packet after packet of ketchup trying to drown their sorrows in sugary tomato paste.

It's even worse watching people plunge nuggets elbow deep into honey mustard containers, and don't even get me started on the sweet and sour sauce!

Are the days of salivating over a chicken sandwich that doesn't require the janitorial department to clean up its mess over?

You can't pull the wool over my eyes', I see what's going on. It's blatantly obvious that the American government has realized they are in a desperate time.

For decades now the western world has reigned supreme utilizing the pillars of industry to develop their way of life, relying on the ever important black gold...oil.

Scientists have been warning us that we're depleting our resources, and no one has done anything...

...or so we thought.

Could it be that the age of oil is over and the age of the condiment is here?

Is it a coincidence that the three largest condiment producers in the world are all American companies?

It appears that George Bush and his conglomerates have shifted their focus and began the shift of having the American economy driven by the condiment industry.

Subliminal advertising has been taking place for years "suggesting" that you put more and more sauce on everything you eat. Before you know it we'll just be downing the whole bottle, fuck the burger!

So drown your hotdog in mustard, toss a little more mayo on your sandwich, but while you're doing it salute the flag because you're being a good American.

So drown your hotdogs in mustard, your ketchup

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