Friday, August 17, 2007

Neighbour Plans to Have Cat's Neutering Reversed

from "Headlines"

In a press conference earlier this morning Sheila Jackson announced that her neighbour is planning to have her pet cat Slinkie's neutering reversed.

Jackson stated that, "It came to my attention that she wanted to have the unusual surgery done when she asked me if I knew of anyone who performed Feline Neutering Reversals."

It is unclear as to what the exact motive is for why the neighbour wants to reverse the operation, but one possible motive is to breed the cat.

Slinkie (14), had previously been declared as the biggest cat in all the land by his owner, Jackson's neighbour. Recently Jackson discovered that the neighbour had found another cat equal in size and proportion to Slinkie, and Jackson believes that the neighbour plans to breed the two giant Calico's to create a type of "mega-cat".

The neighbour was contacted for clarification but he refused comment, and walked away from reporters with a jacket over his head. Slinkie also refused comment but did emit a large "mrrrrrrrr" as reporters were leaving.

An interesting twist to the story came when it was uncovered that Cat Neutering Reversal surgeries are actually not scientifically possible.

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